Anyway, I loev the music video, too! The whole Russian bath house theme was lost to me, but I understand it after watching it several times. This video is a departure from her earlier, more famous videos. You can see her face and I'm so drawn to the shots in the video where it's just a close-up on her clean face and it looks like she's crying. It's such a pregnant moment.
Change: another entry about it. As I progress down this long road called life, I find that my taste in things are changing. I've always pictured getting married to a blonde, blue-eyed honey. I'm not sure what's going on, but he's turning into a brown-haired cutie. I'm quite positive it has something to do with the cute guy in some of my classes, but curses! he's going to seminary. It's always the religious ones.
I'm also finding that I'm not liking Blacksburg as I used to. I think I'm with this place. I'm ready to graduate and ready to move back to Richmond. Virginia's capital will always be home. This, of course, fucks up any plans I have for wanting to do the masters in education program here at Tech. I don't think I'll be able to survive at Tech any longer. Every semester starts out ok and then halfway through, I feel like the life has been drained out of me. And I feel like I haven't accomplished much. It all feels the same. I'm ready to get a steady job and to live independently.
I'm probably going to update later tonight.
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