I went to a skating party and fell a few times. That was fun. Then going out that night was fun too. Nothing too out of the ordinary or noteworthy other than DJs who didn't listen. I went to a traditional, Christian wedding, which was absolutely adorable! I got tipsy at the reception, which happened to be, and I kid you not, a five minute walk from my house. And by tipsy I mean a margarita, two tequila shots and who knows how many coronas! THEN! We all went out and I got a double gin and tonic, a soco lime shot, a jolly rancher shot and then who knows how many bud lights. It was a fun evening. We saw some friends there. I danced a lot and ended up grinding my bum against an armchair because there wasn't a guy I could do that on.
On the topic of said bum rubbing, it was at this point that I decided I needed to get out more in the gay club scene. It finally happened over the weekend. I went to Nations and let me preface this by saying that I've only been to straight bars most of the time I've gone out, so going to a gay club was pretty much a culture shock. I kind of felt out of place and constantly being judged. I had fun because my friend Anthony came along and he introduce me to some of his friends. They even admitted to being stereotypically gay, which was absolutely true. I apologized for not being gay enough, haha! I saw some familiar faces there; some were a surprise, others weren't. Afterwards (meaning closing time), I went with Anthony and his friends to Fielden's. One thing I don't like is the cover charge for gay clubs. Alas, I payed my $10 entrance fee and got an ugly ass stamp on my hand. This place was skeazy, but it's open almost 24/7 so I'm not going to complain and just love it instead. We were there early and we kind of just hung around. Then people from Nations began coming to Fielden's. The DJ played some nice music. We all danced a little bit, but since I hadn't taken my anti-anxiety medication in a couple of days, I didn't feel like dancing by myself. Again, I felt like I was being judged.
I'm not so sure why going to a couple of gay clubs was a culture shock to me. I thought I was gay, but oh my goodness, these gays are literally shooting rainbows out their asses. I felt that 90% of the guys at these clubs were there to hook up; I only wanted to dance and enjoy the company of my friends. There was a guy that wanted to hook up with me. I was just about to leave anyway and he comes to me and says, "Hi." I rejected him and he's all like I know why you come here, it's just to hook up. If I wasn't so tired and just about to leave, there would've been a catfight and I'm pretty sure one of us would've ended up in a jail cell. That made me not like going to gay clubs a bit stronger. I'm definitely willing to do it again. I need a redeeming factor of this lifestyle.
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