Okay, I normally try not to post more than once in a day unless it's an absolute must, but I'm not being productive at all and doing this makes me feel productive (even if I am procrastinating).
Okay, I just had to share this screen shot! I was writing an e-mail when I happen to gaze over to the side of Gmail's interface and look! Ads by Google! Surprised? Not just yet. I can understand the first four sponsored links, but what is with the last one?! It's just a random blog that's in modern Greek! I'm guessing it's in modern Greek cause not many people speak ancient Greek. I can barely read it cause I've been away from Latin and ancient Greek for about a year and I wouldn't hesitate to say more than that. The blog is in modern Greek and has a music player that automatically plays a song.
Just for the record, I absolutely hate those! I'm already listening to my music and then I hear another song and I'm flipping out because I think iTunes is going to hell, but then it turns out that it's just the automatic player on the webpage. Thus begins a search for said player to hit the stop button. I don't like doing that as selfish as that sounds.
Anyway, I just adore the color scheme of this Bazoma blog, it's the similar to mine! Their lastest post has a picture of, I think, a dead mouse in one of those old school mouse traps. And then there's another mouse behind the dead one in what looks to me like animal intercourse... Yes, I said it. At least a human wasn't involved ew ew! EW!! They have a picture of a german shepard! Cute, ferocious, huggable german shepards!
The music isn't so bad. I had to pause Natasha Bedingfield! Speaking of whom, I adore her UK album! "I wanna have your babies. They're popping up like daisies. Babies babies babies." Come on! If that doesn't melt your heart and also send a very clear message to your significant other, I don't know what else would. You can't go wrong with Ms. Bedingfield! Alright, pausing the modern Greek and going back to my one true love.
You know that saying that some guys use that goes, "I'd go gay for Brad Pitt," or some hunkilicious celeb? I'd go straight for Natasha Bedingfield (plus some other choice females). While I'm on the topic of gay/straight nonsense, I'm procrastinating on this research paper. I chose the topic of sexuality cause I thought I could spew out tons of stuff on it. As it turns out, I'm brain dead! No really! I'm brain dead about it. I've read some essays/critiques on it, but the subject is just too broad to pinpoint what I want to talk about! I could take the easy route and go with sexuality in general and use sources to back up my assertions, but I really had something in mind. I wanted to do something along the lines of gender roles and sexuality, but I can't get a concise thesis.
Let's add to the pot that I'm going to be out of town from Friday to Sunday and the paper being due oh on Monday. I'm not having fun with that. I may have to skip out on this camping trip or work my ass off on Thursday. Ugh! I- blaaaaaaaah! I'm a sheep.
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