I love you, but...

you may or may not care about what I talk about. Most of it is just what's on my mind at the moment. I can get foul-mouthed occasionally. Some posts will contain gay oriented material. Deal with it. If you're here, you probably know me.

22 July 2008

Put a Lid on It.

I think it's a general rule I shouldn't drink alone. In any case, I finished my paper; it was a little short, but hopefully it won't be an F. I just need to pass this class, transfer the credit along with the others, and voila! Something good is suppose to happen, I guess.

Something has been bothering me lately. It involves a website called Facebook. Now those in the know are aware of the various applications available to any Facebooker. A rather popular one is the Bumper Sticker application. Now I love it. It allows you to put "bumper stickers" on your profile page. The size is a bit limited thought (175 x 175 pixels), but there are some clever and cute and sexy ones. If you've been living, you might have heard of a book series called Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. I googled "twilight" and clicked on Meyer's website about Twilight and found that she has a sense of humor! Here's a little excerpt from the site:

I get a ton of questions about how I came up with the story of Twilight and how I got it published... here is the whole story:

(Warning: there are
Twilight spoilers contained in the following; if you don't want to ruin the suspense, stop reading.....now. Warning #2: As you might have guessed from the length of my book, I can't tell a short story—this is going to take a while. You have been warned.)

Isn't that cute? I might have to give this series a spin to see what all the ruckus is about. And with humor like that, who wouldn't want to read about a heterosexual vampire falling in love with a heterosexual mortal? Intrigue is what it is!

I digress. On Facebook, there are many stickers involving the main character Edward Cullen. Apparantly he's so "dazzling" he has his own cult following. Well, he is a vampire and will be portrayed by Robert Pattinson, known for his work in the Harry Potter movies.

Again, I keep digressing, but there's a lot of set up for this! Anyway, there's a sticker that says, "Edward Cullen highering the standard for future boyfriends." Now, I can understand how a dazzling vampire would be RAISING the standard for future boyfriends. Oh yes, you read that correctly. Some idiotic fan, apparently in an Edward Cullen Coma, said that the fictional character is "highering" the standard. If anything I think he's dumbing down the infatuated population. I see this sticker all the time browsing the popular stickers and recently popular ones. Really? Is no one else bothered by this? I cringe every time I see this particular sticker! I mean, come on!

This, unfortunately, has me questioning Twilight fans. Is he that intoxicating that you, what I can only assume a drunken state, are making Edward Cullen stickers and not thinking what you type? I can only imagine a fourteen year old making this little image. Seriously.

While I'm on the topic of disturbing stickers, people like to upload offensive or even pornographic stickers. Some people are dumb and will do anything to get attention. Well, there's another sticker I'm not fond of. It reads, "sometimes you have to get weak, just to realize your strong." This one makes me want to King Lear my eyes. Seriously? Did this sticker get added by more than 300 people? Yes. It's a popular sticker because of the message. Facebook is turning into the uptight little brother of MySpace's whoreish ways. I mean every word of that. I love Facebook, but sometimes I just wanna drop a bomb on it.

Okay end of rant.

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Photography by Exterface.