The old adage suggests, "last." Personally, it's all bullshit. As each day passes, as I commute to and from work each day, this whole Nice Guy persona is slowly turning into the Bitter-Guy-Who-Hates-Everyone-Slash-Everthing. It could be my short temper, but I have reason to believe it's not just that.
One fine day, I'm driving home after work ( Use this map for a visual. I take Forest Avenue south bound to avoid the traffic on Parham Road. Forest Ave has traffic, but it flows as opposed to the stop-and-go of Parham. Forest Ave is one lane north of placemark A (please refer to the map). At that point, the single lane road splits into three right before the traffic light at Patterson Road and Forest Ave: a left turn, go straight, and a right turn lane. If you notice, Milford Rd begins/ends at placemark A and there's also a sign that says, "Do Not Block Intersection."
At this point, I stay on Forest Avenue and eventually get to where I'm suppose to go, so I have to stay in the go-straight lane. It's a little difficult to see on the map, but the single lane is more into the left turn lane and the straight lane. Now, depending on how the cars are positioned, cars that need to make a right turn onto Patterson can pass the cars that need to turn left or go straight. I'm the lucky bastard that has to decide whether or not I'm going to be an ass and block the intersection in case anyone coming in the opposite direction needs to turn or if anyone from Milford Rd needs to get onto Forest. I decide to take the nice route.
So there's space in front of me for a car to pass through and space to my right for cars to pass to get to the right turn. Are you following me? This is where the shit goes down. As I'm stopped, I notice a white Honda whatever go past me on the right and kind of stop. All of a sudden the fucking asshole pulls in front of me. Not only did the fucking shit-eating asshole cut me off while my car was stopped, but he blocked the intersection. I'm so pissed at this point, I honk my horn and he pretends he hasn't done anything wrong, the fucktard. Traffic moves and I'm just pissed I have to stare at the back of this guy's car. I don't tailgate him because traffic flow is bit erratic down Forest and to show that I'm not that pissed at him, but really, I want to ram my car into his at 100+ miles an hour.
What I should've done was get out of my car, walk to his open window, and punch the motherfucker in the mug for being a motherfucker or got out of my car and started yelling at him. Sure, he could've had a gun, but this isn't downtown. And I'm sure I could've gotten my point across by being out there in the open and willing to resort to violence for his idiocy.
Thank you for your time. Go fuck yourselves and please, just give me an excuse to honk my car horn because I fucking like it.
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