The tea is very soothing as it travels down. I was inspired by Teddy cause he needed caffiene, but opted for tea instead. Good call.
The Amelie soundtrack is soothing. I love the whole French music thing. I'm sure it's the accordian-like instrument I hear. The music is lilting and it reminds me of the movie, obviously! The movie is beautiful in that Amelie helps everyone else be happy, but neglects to find her own happiness.
The humidifier is soothing. I only wish the inhalant I bought worked. I poured it into where it's suppose to go and it hasn't evaporated. I finally cleaned it out. Soothing, you may ask? It has this gentle hum to it and distracts my attention from the multitudes of passing cars on the road and also the upstairs neighbors and their enormous feet making the floorboards creak unnaturally loud.
I attemped a slightly different method to translating my Greek homework. Before, I would go through and find the vocab for words I didn't know as I "translated." Then I'd stop and fudge the translation in class. This time, I read the Greek and thought of how each word worked in the sentence and writing down any words I was unfamiliar with. Then I looked up all the words, without the text open, and found definitions. Then I went back and translated. I kind of went through the translating kind of fast, but I've had plenty of sleep lately, so I might go over it again once I'm down blogging.
I should probably go to bed soon (it's 10:34 PM) because I have to wake up at 6 AM to catch the 7 AM bus to take this sight reading contest thing at 7:30 AM and then proceed with class at 9:30 AM. I'm really not happy about this. The contest entries have to be post-marked by Monday the first. Okay, that's not too bad. Finding a time when four or five people can devote two hours of translating time during this week was hell. I blame those in charge for procrastinating. First, we were late in deciding who was going to take which test and a week before it's suppose to be sent in. We knew about this translation contest for awhile. We just never got around to getting it started, which is why I'm not happy. It's not bad for me, but my roommate took one last night at 6:30 PM for three hours and didn't have much time to prepare for it. He's doing the 7:30 AM session with me and then after our evening class that ends at 6:15 PM, he's taking another one I believe. This is what happens when you procrastinate. And my roommate works.
I finished my tea and contemplating on whether or not I should make another cup. Hmm... I should be fine.
In nonacademic news, I've become burnt out on Warcraft and have cancelled my account. The main reason is that it's my last semester as an undergraduate and I have to do well. My GPA is very low and I want to do whatever to keep it up so I can graduate. To fill the gaming void, I signed up for a GameFly account. First game was Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect 2. I mailed DA:O, but the website has yet to confirm if they received it or not. I mailed the game on Friday and it's shipping center is in Pittsburgh, PA. I'm only worried that something has happened to it and I'm not paying to keep a game I'll never see again. This has been stressing me out since Monday. It's close to being a week and nothing. When I had a netflix account, it took about four days to send and recieve a movie and I found it rather timely. I still have ME2 to have a game to play, but I'm getting tired of it already. I don't know what I'm going to do if something did happen to the game during shipping.
I should get to bed.