It's so hard to decide what to eat at these places! First, there's the smell of the food, which is so enticing, but there is, however, a long ass line of people waiting for that delicious aroma. Do I stand in line or find a shorter line? Like many impatient people, I look for a shorter line. Many times I'll just wait it out, but I wanted to healthy. I saw the salad bar! Ding! Perfect! I got myself a nice mixture with Italian dressing. Now, I'm not a big fan of Italian dressing, but the damn sign said it was Caesar dressing! I didn't realize it was Italian until way later. I wanted to get some dessert type thing, but I settled for some macaroni salad sans any taste, but pasta. I got my food to go and went to the Drillfield. It was such a nice day today! Nice and breezy and not too cold in the shade either. I put on my headphones and listened to the melodic voice of Miss Bedingfield. Ah, it was so relaxing and just peaceful. I took a couple of pictures of the surrounding area, but I don't have my transfer cord so that'll have to wait.
After I ate, I just sat there and people watched, which I LOVE doing! It's been like eons since I've been on campus and let me tell you! There are so many attractive boys on this campus, I can't help but stare! Don't get me wrong! The links to the right of this blog is filled to the top and more of pictures of the beautiful male physique, but nothing compares to that than seeing it in the flesh and candid! I just love that. I did notice that a lot of people where making their way to Burruss Hall and I got nervous that there might be a meeting that I was suppose to attend, but it was just a welcoming thing.
I think after people watching I went back to my dorm or something, but I'm not sure. What I know is that I watched some people play volleyball in the Ambler-Johnston beach vball court. I was too shy to ask if I could join so I just watched. Then a few minutes later, while I was spacing out, the people asked me to join them! How nice! I was spacing out and did not have my headphones on, so I must've looked dumb when they asked me to play. I think I did well for not having played in a lot of time. Plus, these people were much better at vball than I am. I did scrape my right knee pretty badly, but no blood was gushing so I was fine. After about a couple or less hours of the sun beating on us, we stopped.
I went to my room to clean up my ashy legs (OH THE HORROR!) and put a bandage on my boo boo. My roommate asked if I was going to the Hokie Spirit Picnic, but I told him I didn't have plans for it. It's kind of boring and I wanted to play more vball. I should have invited him to come play too, but he doesn't play sports. I do feel kind of bad though cause he looks angry now. This all meaning he's also in the computer lab and when I got back to the room later this evening, he did look pissed. I think his social life is as broad as mine and that's not saying much. Plus, he slept in really late and didn't shave until after I got back from my first session of vball, I think. I don't remember.
I wasn't sure what to do about the picnic and I wasn't going to go back to the room to just sit there. I put on some comfy mesh shorts and sat outside and watched the people go to the picnic. Lots of eye candy, I loved it! Once the flow of people slowed down, I went to the Squires Student Center to my absolutely favorite dining place, Au Bon Pain (it's French). I got my traditional whole sandwich, a sweet cheese danish, and a blueberry muffin. I washed it all down with a cold bottle of Dr. Pepper. Hmmm... I love it! I had food coma syndrome afterwards. I'm surprised I was able to walk. While I was at Squires, I dropped by the LGBTA Resource Room, but it was renovating and no one was there, so I couldn't talk to any gays. Such is life, but there's a grand opening this Friday.
Like I said, I was deep in a food coma and I was surprised I made it back to my dorm, which is probably a ten to fifteen minute walk. I was actually planning on playing some billiards, but when I got to the game room, there were the balls, but no sticks. I was really looking forward to wrecking the green felt on that pool table. An alternative? I went to the vball court! There were only two people there just playing around. They looked like they play vball competitively. One of them had his shirt off. I saw with my back to them cause I didn't want to look stalkerish. I really wanted to, but that's risking it. The Hokie Spirit Picnic ended or people decided to leave early. Some people came by and they started playing. I was ready to play, but I was still in my food coma and I was nervous about joining a really hot guy! Anyway, more and more people came and eventually they had too many. They played King of the Court (Mountain) and after awhile I hopped in. My only regret was that I didn't introduce myself.
What I should've done the FIRST time was make friends cause they invited me to play. I was hoping those same people would be here, but it was just the two people. We played a fun round robin type King of the Mountain form of volleyball! I didn't so so well cause I was hurting from the previous game and well, I scraped my right foot and started bleeding. Oops! I did it again! Eventually, some people left and some came in and we played teams and rotating players in and out. My side kept losing cause the other side had a professional vball player and they were well-coordinated. Our side was mostly people like me, haha! We can do well, but only for a few shots. I played until it ended with a game of four on four. It was about 8:30 PM when everyone had to go. Turns out I'm the only non-freshman. Well, that's what I get for staying on campus. One of the guys looked like an old high school acquaintance. He even asked me my major! He's cute too. I don't remember his name though. Oh well, I hope they'll be coming around Ambler-Johnston more often. I really had fun playing volleyball, but man I'm going to be so sore for the next few days! It was all worth it though. So worth it!
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