Today was in between productive and just fucking boring. Last night, I fell asleep at twelve, I think. I woke up to take a shit and it's around 7 AM at this time. I get back into bed and guess what? You'll never guess! I couldn't get back to sleep. SURPRISE! I had way too much going through my head: 1) my eyes were open for more than five minutes, 2) I was waiting for e-mails from the contact person for both the Tennis Club and Volleyball Club, but only one decided that I was worth the time to whatever, 3) I was ultra excited about the prospect of group exercise classes. I know, right!
So my body and mind decided I didn't need anymore sleep and I got up and thought, "It's Sunday morning. People went out last night. They'll be too hungover to go to the gym!" So I got ready, i.e. put on a hat & deodorant, and got to the gym with no one there! Yay! It's sad when the girls in there are lifting heavier weights than you could wish you could hoist. Also, I had no clue what I was doing! Sure, I read all the instructions. As is tradition, I played with the settings of the strider machine during my program and well I had to start all over again. I'm a klutz AND and ditz! I'm a - you can't put those two together. I was in the gym for about an hour. I did some cardio running and then lifted some weights! I'm not sore, yet, but I'm sure I will be tomorrow.
After that nice wake up routine, I went to the computer lab, to see if by chance I got an e-mail from either clubs I was talking about earlier. Voila! I have! "Can you come out tomorrow at 9 AM?" I look at the date of the e-mail and "tomorrow" is TODAY and the fucking time is 8:40 AM! I don't have a racket! I don't have any tennis balls! What do I do? I go anyway and mooch off the president of the Tennis Club. Haha! He was nice! We warmed up and well, I suck. After I lost a tie breaker 7 - 1, I was thinking, "In order to salvage any confidence I have in my abilities as a tennis player, I'm going to need to stop." These guys trying out were intense! I told the president that the Club was above my level and thanked him and such.
After that, I was like, "Intramurals! Watch out! Here I come!" I went straight to the computer lad and signed up for tennis. I have plans to sign up for intramural volleyball when I can. While I was in the lab, I had heard about group exercise classes, which were free the first week of classes, but I didn't figure that out until like now. I signed up for an all year pass and for any of the classes and I even make a nifty spreadsheet of the exercise classes and my academic classes! I feel special! I looked at the exercise classes and chose the dancing ones. SURPRISE! I think I also have pilates and yoga planned. I have other exercise classes too, but I forgot what they are. I figure that since I'm very shy and awkward at the gym alone, I can be shy and awkward at an exercise class! I can't wait to dance!
Now, all of this entry may seem long, but other than what went through my head, that's all I fucking did. I saw a pick up game of volleyball, but they were already six-on-six and I didn't want to mess up the teams or do this rotate in/out shit, so I sat there and watched the cute shirtless boys slam that volleyball into the sand. I think I'm slowly picking up on technique when I'm watching these people play. Heck, I went online to like the official volleyball website of the world or something and I read up on how to spike and serve and all that jazzy stuff. Eventually, I left because they played another game and then later on, most of them left to eat or some shit. Oh well. I believe that the higher powers decree I only get a certain amount of exercise per day! I got my exercise in the morning and then that's it! What bullshit. Whatever. I didn't feel like doing my homework cause my brain is just not with it. During the tennis try outs, I was like zoning out. Of course it didn't help that I was at the gym for an hour beforehand, but I'm not one to complain. Or am I? Mwahaha!
I did mean to talk about sex, but I'm going to bed instead cause let's face it, wet dreams are better than nothing at all! I haven't masturbated in over a week!!!