I gave Never Back Down four out of five stars. I know I know. The plot was mediocre, I guess. Well, I wasn't really paying attention to the plot, but I wish the mother played a more significant role other than a flashback. I think the acting was rather good. It's no Fight Club, but plays on the general theme of fighting. Sean Faris' performance at times seemed forced; he really seems natural when he's giggling and happy and playing around. I don't like Faris when he's brooding. He's hot, but brooding is a no no! Speaking of hot, the only reason I wanted to watch Never Back Down was for Sean Faris and Cam Gigandet and the fighting. I'm a fan of mixed martial arts. Matthew Mullins is the sole reason I love it! Anyway, I really enjoyed the movie! Besides my small qualm over Faris' brooding moments, I think all the characters were portrayed well! Djimon Hounsou delivers the best performance, in my opinion. You get a feeling of his character and his decisions. Plus, that little gray on his chin is sexy! Cam's character (Ryan McCarthy) as the cocky ass is so hot! I never wanted to root for the antagonist, but this one is a keeper! The ending was a bit out of no where though. If you watch the movie and really focus on Ryan, I don't understand why he would act the way he did in the ending. You don't really get that part of Ryan from the movie, until the very end. Oh well, if there's one thing I learned from watching Never Back Down is that violence is OKAY as long as the fighters are fucking sexy. Throw in a fugly and violence is taboo! A big ass "THANK YOU" to Netflix for getting the movie to me on the day of the release of the DVD! Haha!
In other news, I was doing my (twenty times) daily check of gay news! First let me say that I'm a huge fan of Andy Towle, not because he's hot (that's a lie!), but because he's done so much! His blog Towleroad is very popular. I thought I'd give my reactions and thoughts on some of the stories I ran into today. My gay news blogroll consists of "Towleroad," "Queerty," and "afterElton.com's" blog. Some repeat themselves, but that's ok. I had to break out the Stickies application on this Mac so I could remember what I wanted to say!
The first story I stumble upon is this: Vatican Official Urges Anglican Biships: Condemn Homosexuality. Now I don't really have much to say other than the fact that I thought it said, "Condom Homosexuality," which would explain why I was dumbfounded for quite some time. This is what happens when you blogroll after Never Back Down!
Oh get over yourself, Guy Ritchie! You marry the most popular and celebrated artist and then break up and then say that her album is like sugar cause "Sugar kills. Think of the calories in sugar. Fat kills more people than anything else. Sugar is responsible for a lot of deaths, arguably more than crack cocaine." I think someone has had a bit too much coke himself. A man with balls would've said that her new album could use some work or isn't true to Madonna or some fucked up bullshit, but comparing it to crack cocaine and sugar cane? Bitch, you best step off the edge of the Earth! If you don't like her new album, say something else about it other than that piece of shit. Guy, you were always hot in my eyes, but now you're ugly. No one says that about an album that I proudly bought from iTunes and play almost incessantly, to the bane of my family members!
Good news for me! I can get married in Massachusetts! No! It's great, awesome, splendid, super-duper news not just for me, but for everyone!! Think of the money I'll save by traveling to Massachusetts instead of California! I could use that for pink things! Although, I would prefer to get married in California on the beach or something. Now all I need is a steady boyfriend who's willing to marry me. Put that down on the long-term check list. Fuck the marriage part, I need a boyfriend first (well, a social life, but we're not getting into that).
For some reason, I have "Marco Dapper" as down for my next point, but I can't find whatever it is that I need to link to! Oh well, just google the hottie and you'll find out what I mean. He's fucking hot, which is a total understatement. Oh, he was in that movie Eating Out 2 and oh I remember now! He's in the latest issue of reFresh magazine. I don't think it's at B&N, yet so I'm just going to chill or go to that bookstore every day until I find it.
"Me love you long time." This phrase is up for some debate. Apparently, some people find the line to be racist. The original line is said by a Vietnamese prostitute to an American in Full Metal Jacket. Now, I don't get offended like at all. I can certainly see some hype it can cause in the Asian community. It's tantamount to the word "nigger." Is it racist? I surely don't think so. Some argue that it's satire. Satire or no, I'm perfectly fine with saying, "Me love you long time," and having it said to me. People say that it plays on the Asian stereotype of bad English and also indicates that the one saying the phrase is a whore or a prostitute. I say it's anyone's perogative! Say what the fuck you want to say, but since people are so sensitive, you have to consider who you're saying anything to. We're so PC these days. Why can't I just say, "black" or "white"?
Excuse me while I stare at pictures of hunky men!
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