This week, the LGBTA organization at my university is celebrating AIDs awareness. Tonight the LGBTA held the annual Club Red Ribbon, where they basically turn this ballroom place into a dance club. My RSVP on Facebook was "Attending," but since I haven't been able to take my anti-anxiety medication (I left it at home), I stayed in and played some Warcraft. "So happy I could die." I did have plans to go, so while I was waiting for the time to roll around, I drank a Red Bull. Upon deciding that I was staying in (it was cold!), I had a beer and I just knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. I looked at the weather and it's suppose to snow after 4 AM, so that's why I'm up.
Okay, so I uploaded a bunch of screenshots from Warcraft onto my Facebook. I'm much too lazy to upload them via Photobucket and then post them. I wonder about Flickr... BRB. Okay, they're uploading to Flickr, but I'm uploading all of my screenshots when I should've gone through and picked the ones I wanted to upload. Oops. Meh, not so can't find the word... I'll have to play with it more.
Now, I was very certain I had a reason for updating other than killing time until it starts snowing, but now I'm all just not in the mood to update now. =(